Citibank Malaysia #CitiMakeMyDay

How do you use a website to educate your customers about an extremely complex yet crucial part of a common product?


#CitiMakeMyDay was a 360° campaign designed to educate Citibank’s credit card holders about the 3 types of rewards currency that they can enjoy. The challenge was to make sure the website content falls in line with the key message of the entire campaign, which consisted of social components in the form of Facebook and Instagram as well. The website also had to make it easy for consumers to learn and understand the rewards currency structure.


The digital strategy was to build a responsive site that features parallax scrolling with 3 distinctive sections - Rewards, Cash back, Miles - each featuring a hero product.

The site information architecture kicks off with a video as an introductory top banner. This gives site visitors an overview of the key messages of the #CitiMakeMyDay campaign, setting the tone for subsequent sections of the website.


  • Digital Strategy
  • Website design & revamp
  • Site information architecture
  • User experience design (UX)
  • Site information architecture
  • Visual Design
  • Responsive website front-end coding
  • Video Animation

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